Service standards you can expect

We value diversity, inclusion and social justice, and are committed to treating people of all cultures, ethnicities, gender identities, sexual orientations, ages, abilities, and religions with dignity and respect.


We want to make sure you get the best possible service and create a safe and respectful environment for all people accessing our programs and services. We want to ensure our workplace is welcoming, inclusive and culturally safe for all clients.

Knowing a little more about you will help us to tailor the support we provide. To do that, we need to ask you lots of questions and some of those questions are going to seem quite personal — that’s because they are!

The first thing you need to know is that we have strict rules about privacy. There are laws about how your personal information can be collected and stored, and all our staff understand exactly what that means. Our staff will only share your information with your permission, or when required by law.

We need to ask:

  • basic information like your name, date of birth and contact details
  • whether you are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • your preferred language and cultural identification
  • your gender identity and sexual orientation, and what pronouns you use
  • if you have any ability needs.

You don’t have to answer any of these questions. Knowing this information will help us make sure you get the services and referrals that are right for you. If you have any questions or concerns, we are happy to discuss them.

Victims’ rights

The Victims’ Charter Act 2006 states how criminal justice system services and victim support services should treat victims of crime. We want to make sure you get the best possible service when you deal with us. This is a guide to what you can expect from us and what we expect from you. It also tells you what to do if you are not happy with our service.

Victims of violent crime in Victoria can expect:

  • access to assistance through the Victims of Crime Helpline, 8am to 11pm, every day of the year
  • access to support services to help you with the effects of violent crime
  • support throughout the court process
  • information about applying to be on the Victim’s Register, if this is relevant for you.

When accessing services for victims of crime, you can expect to:

  • be treated with dignity and respect, including respect for cultural background, gender identity, sexual orientation, age and ability status  
  • have your information protected in line with Privacy Principles
  • be provided with information about relevant services that may be available to you
  • be given choices in the support and referrals you are provided with.

We also expect that you will:

  • treat Victim Services staff with respect
  • provide relevant information about yourself and your situation.

Child safety

The Department of Justice and Community Safety is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. We seek to prevent harm of any kind impacting children and young people and have zero tolerance for racism, child abuse and inequality. Children and young people’s rights, relationships, identity, and culture must be recognised and respected, their voices heard, and their concerns acted upon. We aim to foster a culturally safe, child safe and child friendly environment for all children and young people we have contact with, deliver services to, or are impacted by our work.

Providing feedback, complaints and compliments

We are committed to providing services in line with the Victims’ Charter principles and welcome any feedback about our services and staff.

If you would like to provide feedback (a complaint, compliment or suggestion) about a Department of Justice and Community Safety victim support related service, you can contact the Victims of Crime Helpline on 1800 819 817 from 8 am to 11 pm, any day of the year or email  

Victoria's Victims of Crime Commissioner

The Victims of Crime Commissioner aims to improve services and systems in government departments, victim service providers and the justice system to meet the needs of victims of crime.

If you want to report an issue with the justice system or a victim service provider that is likely to be ongoing and affect many victims of crime, you can visit the Victims of Crime Commissioner website, or call the Victims of Crime Commissioner on 1800 010 017.
